Viewings taking place for 2018-19

To All Our Tenants of City Lets Lincoln I would like to advise you in advance that we will be releasing our properties for viewings on the 13th November 2017 for the following academic year. I will of course let you know in advance of bookings taking place. Times are...

Accommodation for 2018/19

City Lets Lincoln hope you have all now moved in to your accommodation for this academic year and are now settling in to your study at Lincoln University and Bishop Grossettes Lincoln. We at City lets Lincoln are currently receiving enquiries for the next academic...

Lincoln’s first street food festival

If you are big food lovers like us here at CityLets Lincoln, your be pleased to know Lincoln is hosting its first Food Festival! Taking place July 13th to July 16th and Located at Lincoln Cornhill right smack in the center of town just of the high street, the food...

Lincoln Steampunk Festival is back

If you’re a second or final year student and from out of town,  last August you may have been wondering what all the extravagant and funky costumes were all about! Well its the Steampunk festival and its returning for another year and there’s still time to...

New Academic Year 2016 -17

We at City Lets Lincoln would like to wish you all a successful new Academic Year for those that are studying at Lincoln College, Lincoln University and Bishop Grossettesse we hope that you meet all your personnel targets for this New Year. It always surprising how...